Posts tagged well-being
The Rising Space

After graduating from Art College, I was tentative about…

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healing, meditation, ceremonial, ceremony, health, nature, overcoming fear, reconnecting, well-being, art, cathartic, self-love, grounding, self-awareness, self-aware, routine, centred, artwork, soul-searching, gatherings, community, self-help, breakdown, journeying, journey, travel, sweat lodge, Temazcal, Maureen Murdock, maureen-murdock, sweat-lodge, mexico, temazcal, masculine, lockdown, vulnerability, vulnerable, anoushka-florence, goddess-space, empowerment, new-moon, women, rise, restore, reconnect, society, art-curator, teacher, gallery-manager, prop-designer, graphic-designer, designer, art-and-design, art-industry, creative, fear-based-decisions, heroines-journey, the-goddess-space, the-rising-space, mumHelen DriverThe Rising Spacehealing, well-being, journey, ritual, art, heroine's journey, ceremony, feminine, temazcal, Mexico, spiritual, The Heroine's Journey, sacred, gathering, female, ceremonial, comfort, cooking, creativity, foraging, health, heroine, heroines-journey, illustration, meditation, nature, nutrition, oil painting, overcoming-fear, fear-based-decisions, painting, recharge, reconnecting, rituals, ritualistic, self-love, self-care, sleep, speaking-staff, talking-stick, cathartic, grounding, self-awareness, self-aware, routine, centred, artwork, soul-searching, gatherings, community, self-help, breakdown, journeying, travel, maureen-murdock, sweat-lodge, mexico, masculine, lockdown, vulnerability, vulnerable, anoushka-florence, goddess-space, the-goddess-space, empowerment, new-moon, moon-cycle, women, rise, restore, reconnect, society, art-curator, teacher, gallery-manager, prop-designer, graphic-designer, designer, art-and-design, art-industry, creative, perspective, intention-setting, boundaries, birthed, collective, energy, self-soothing, grief, trauma, break-down, inner-critic, the-rising-space, reasons-to-stay-alive
first women's gathering

The Rising Space’s first women’s gathering…

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