Rest restores


Here is Freddie demonstrating the Art of surrendering to sleep, which reminds me to not berate myself for having a day off, or an off day. Animals can be our best teachers - they show us the power of being present and taking what they need without fear of judgment, in our case, often our own.

Sometimes when there is a literal or metaphorical overcast, rest can be the only medicine we may need and that’s OK. Perhaps we can all give ourselves permission to carve out time each day to nourish and rest our minds and bodies and not just at night, when it is deemed ‘acceptable’. Doing absolutely nothing but engaging in a bit of stillness is like pausing and resetting. I usually find that it is in these moments that I think a little clearer and feel a little calmer and those overwhelming ‘To-do’ lists may feel lighter and more manageable.

Share this with someone who could do with gentle reminder to take some time for themselves today. Or someone who just loves cats.

To my bed buddy Freddie – rest your head sweet prince and dream of things I will never know.