Tend to yourself

Tending to your space, acrylic and ink on cotton paper

Tending to your space, acrylic and ink on cotton paper

In stillness and self-care we find our energy again.

Even though this year was even quieter than usual, I found I was still giving my energy to others and forgetting to carve out some moments for myself.

To reconnect, I turn to making routines into rituals, like building a sanctuary in a space. My bathroom is a place I always retreat to when I need peace. It’s here I can disconnect from my phone, take in the heady aromas, pay attention to the flickering candlelight and listen to nature stirring outside.

When we give ourselves permission to pause in our routines, we reconnect to our inner landscape. It’s easy to forget that basic self-care practices can make a big difference to our overall well-being.

I find that we can tend to others better when we serve ourselves first. So be kind to yourself, embrace slow moments and lean into some stillness.

You are exactly where you need to be ✨