Interview and art collaboration

Section of ’Separate from the Feminine’. Acrylic paint, ink, on paper, 2020

Section of ’Separate from the Feminine’. Acrylic paint, ink, on paper, 2020

So pleased to be featured in For Women Who Roar (FWWR) – a storytelling movement dedicated to helping women heal their stories through online and print publications, podcasts, events and membership.

The personal interview and artworks are by The Blue Ladies – an artistic collaboration formed in 2020 between me and Rosa Weber from River Song Heart.

Last year from our kitchen tables in London and Totnes, Rosa and I painted the cycle stages of Maureen Murdock’s brilliant 'Heroine's Journey', written as an alternative to the mainstream 'Hero's Journey'. It explores the fascinating, often difficult, cycle that many women go through in life.

We digitally combined our individual artworks to honour and unify our journeys and friendship and The Blue Ladies was born.

We are proudly sharing our stories, art and voices with you and FWWR.

Full article, interview and artworks can be seen here – FWWR interview with The Blue Ladies

For print and any other enquiries relating to this article, please contact or join our community on Instagram @the.blueladies

Thank you.

‘Identify with the masculine and gather your allies’  Acrylic paint, ink, on paper, 2020

‘Identify with the masculine and gather your allies’ Acrylic paint, ink, on paper, 2020