Self-care this season


Today I held a grounding 1:1 virtual space for a dear friend. While gently guiding her through blocks and intention setting, it was powerful to witness her manifest what she needed to support and nurture herself.

Afterwards it made me think about this season, which can be full of excitement and cheer. But it can also present challenges and tensions, especially around expectations. You are not alone. 

At this time it‘s important to carve out space for yourself before you tend to others. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes. 

To support you in this, I’ll be releasing some self-care guidance to help you reconnect, rituals as simple as journaling  and recipes including a relaxing tea blend to help with sleep.

I‘d love to hear from you if there is something you would like me to include to help you stay well this season. 

If you would like to join me in a 1:1 virtual space, please click here for more info.

✨peace and love to you✨