The Rising Space

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Ceremonial cacao safety and contraindications


Ceremonial Cacao is a gentle, yet profound plant medicine for the heart centre. It is packed full of beneficial minerals and mood-enhancing properties including, theobromine, tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylethylamine and serotonin.

It can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, while enhancing your general wellbeing, promoting a healthy mindset and outlook.


We all have different experiences, from a sense of calm to visuals and the ‘bliss’ feeling. You are encouraged to arrive with an open heart and mind, letting go of expectations and outcomes. This allows for a more authentic and expansive experience.


Each trained Cacao practitioner is different. Helen creates bespoke experiences for groups and one-to-one clients, pairing Ceremonial Cacao with practices such as guided meditation, visualisation, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), breath-work, mindfulness, somatic body awareness techniques, journaling, rituals, creative exercises, music and intention-setting.

Her aim is to create memorable experiences to help you tap into different conscious-levels.


Whilst ceremonial cacao is suitable for most people, like everything, there are always exceptions.

Scientific studies have shown cacao can naturally help with many symptoms. There are a few precautions regarding compatibility with existing health conditions or medications. It is worth looking at the list below to see if you fall under any of the categories and if you are concerned, please seek professional advice before consuming cacao.

Helen always offers herbal tea alternatives if you prefer. She invites you to listen to your own body and intuition. Remember that cacao is a tool for grounding and connection, the true medicine lies within you. You will not miss out if you choose to work without cacao.


SSRI’s antidepressants (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)

Please avoid consuming cacao if you are taking high doses of SSRIs. Cacao releases serotonin, so it works as a mild antidepressant. When taken with SSRIs that release serotonin chemically it can potentially lead to serotonin syndrome.

Those on low doses of SSRIs and who drink coffee regularly, may choose to start on 10g cacao daily, and observe how you get on. If you start getting a headache, or any other symptoms please stop, hydrate and check with your health practitioner.

Individuals taking MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) should avoid consuming ceremonial cacao due to potential interactions.


It is recommended you reduce or cut out consumption of caffeine & stimulants during pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. If you already consume these you may choose to consume cacao but at a lower dose of 10g.

Women who choose to work with Cacao, see the benefits of heart / body connection with their pregnancy or breastfeeding.


It is best to begin consuming cacao in a smaller quantity (10-20g) to assess sensitivity.


Regular high doses of ceremonial cacao can lead to adrenal fatigue.


It is best for children to begin consuming cacao in a smaller quantity to assess sensitivity (5-10g).


It is best to begin consuming cacao in a smaller quantity (15-20g) to assess sensitivity. Cacao doesn’t work well with caffeine.

For many, having cacao after caffeine causes the heart to race unpleasantly because the theobromine increases blood flow, which can then bring on a headache. It’s recommended that you wait two hours after caffeine before having 10g of cacao and four hours after caffeine before having more.

If you start feeling dizzy or unwell, slow down and drink water.


Cacao works with the heart & blood vessels.

If you have a serious heart condition it’s inadvisable to consume cacao. If you have a less serious heart condition, you may be able to take a small dose (up to 15g); however, you do so at your own risk.


It is always best to consult with a health advisor about all drugs and supplements you are using or considering, prior to the consumption of cacao.


If in any doubt, please seek medical advice before taking Ceremonial Cacao. As with all the advice here, listen to your body and trust your intuition.

With all being said, cacao is a natural and beautiful plant medicine and like all things, when treated with respect, is perfectly safe and healthy.